Gonna give this Meme thing a go, as much to practice the link thingy as for any other reason :) Old minds gotta work hard to remember new skills. This is the Saturday 9 from here

1. If you could have just one more conversation with a person from your past, who would it be?

My DenDen (mother's father) I think, would love to have more stories.

2. Do your friends tend to be male or female?

In the real world probably female, though I do have a few male friends - don't have many true friends anyway, people don't seem to do true friend well. Now in the blog world - who knows? :) you guys could be anything really right? But it seems to be a healthy mix of both, as long as no one is playing gotcha games out there.

3. What is in your car’s trunk?

A western pony saddle, a dressage saddle, and an all-purpose English saddle - saddle rack fell off the wall in the tack room yesterday. Good thing I had already taken out the two bags of potting soil and two giant bags of kibble! - oh, and I drive a Town & Country minivan so I don't really have a "trunk" but I have yet to find anything I can't fit in the back of the van.

Now I'm sick of driving a "bus" and would love to have a normal car with a trunk but with 2 kids in college - I can't buy a new car right now. Besides I still drive college kids' stuff back and forth and occasionally haul horse stuff, bicycles, plant stuff, and when hauling D3 to her activities I often must haul a harp, cello, fiddle, concertina, and various other instruments - all at the same time. So I guess I continue driving the bus for a while. Unless the government in their infinite wisdom decide we all need to drive stupid little electric golf carts instead of gas guzzlers.

4. What was the last CD that you purchased?

A Klezmer CD for D3 who now is interested in Klezmer Clarinet. Apparently already playing 20 some instruments and being fluent in Irish Traditional music and Classical music is not enough for her - she's gotta try something new.

5. What is your favorite movie and why?

Depends on my mood. I hate sad movies, life is sad enough without borrowing sadness for entertainment. Not big on scary movies, I have enough nightmares. Like funny movies and action, adventure movies. Some of the movies I like as they come to me are Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Independence Day, the Pacifier, Juno, Clancey movies, Bond movies, Ever After, Princess Diaries, Little Miss Sunshine, Forrest Gump...

6. If you could wake up with a new talent tomorrow, what would it be?

Exercise, there has got to be a talent for it and I just don't have it.

7. What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Saturday, usually have a less harried day on Saturday.

8. What are you wearing when you feel you’re at your best?

I never feel I am at my best, but I feel best when I am in my jammies snuggled in my home with my kids, my dogs, and himself.

9. When was the last you time cried?

When a friend of 20 years was murdered by her X on New Year's Eve 2008. It took a few days after hearing of the murder to accept it was real and actually cry. Still think of you often Angie.
7 Responses
  1. Joanie Says:

    Wow, some pretty heavy stuff there, Patti.

    I'll say a prayer for you and your friend. That's just not right.

    Da Goddess

  2. patti Says:

    She had three kids, one a young teen, the other two very young. The ass strangled her and killed two other women - some idiot here actually posted a comment on the local paper site that he was "always so nice to her kids", no words.
    Angie had told me only a few weeks earlier that he was getting more violent. It was horrible to be sitting on the couch watching the TV when an amber alert went up for my friend's two youngest saying that their mother had been murdered and the kids were missing. Bad Bad Bad. At least he dropped the kids with his relative and killed his sorry ass too.
    I'm gonna cry again.

  3. patti Says:

    and thanks Joanie

  4. Mrs. Who Says:

    Wow...what a varied list. So sorry about your friend. Life just sucks so much sometimes. Hugs to you.

  5. pamibe Says:

    I'm so sorry about your friend, Patti. How horrible. {hugs}

    I never feel I am at my best, but I feel best when I am in my jammies snuggled in my home with my kids, my dogs, and himself.Me too. ;-)

  6. Anonymous Says:

    A bass wouldn't fit in the trunk. Aren't you glad I don't play the bass? Or the contra-bassoon.

  7. patti Says:

    is that a fish :) of course a fish would fit in the van - heehee

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