Well duh, Arlen Specter is said to be flipping today. Hallelujah and pass the biscuits. Like he was ever a Republican to begin with. Yes, sometimes he voted with the Rs, but only when it was a sure thing anyway. If there was any vote that was close and important he voted with the Dems anyway. My bet is he got enough calls from folks like me who said I'm sending money to ANYONE Dem or Rep that runs against you you sorry sack of &*(#^$ that he already knew he was gonna be toasted rye in the next primary anyway if he stayed in the party.

I hope it is true and Good Riddance to you!

BTW I am unaffiliated - not a Dem or a Rep, I am a conservative. And if you think they didn't already have a filibuster proof majority, they did. Specter would never have allowed a filibuster anyway as shown by his move today.
1 Response
  1. pamibe Says:

    Good riddance!! ;)

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