My turn to pepe plus see if I can follow pamibe's directions on how to embed a link (did I do it right?:) (by way of leeann, by way of mum in chaos) I think I've got it Pam.

8 things I'm looking forward to
1) Obama leaving office.
2) Nancy Pelosi leaving office.
3) American voters waking up and smelling the fruitcake.
4) Some Obama youth type to show up at my front door.
5) My horse being sound and rideable again, it's a long story and it involves many trips to the vet, much money, and a hefty dose of good luck.
6) All my kids being all graduated from college.
7) One day remodeling my kitchen - that'll be sometime after all the kids are out of college.
8) My evil sister getting what she deserves.

8 things I did yesterday
1) Got the car inspected
2) Went to grocery store
3) Went to bank to make D3 deposit
4) Got S1 all schooled up for the day
5) Called App State to try to get student account straight, they say we owe them $300, but really they owe us $200 - they "lost a check". Funny, it cleared my account.
6) Cleaned and bedded 21 stalls, fed/watered/hayed/turned out 21 horses (not all mine - I have 1 horse and 1 pony)
7) Watched Idol - I know...
8) Vacuumed/did laundry/made bed/washed dishes/cooked dinner/cleaned 2 bathrooms
cheeze - boring

8 things I wish I could do
1) Lose 20 lbs
2) Keep my mind focused enough to read a book
3) Sleep without drugs
4) Look like I did when I was 30 - well, like I wished I looked when I was 30
5) Wave a magic wand and actually have it work
6) Make everything all ok for D1
7) Teleporting would be good
8) Make all my getting old symptoms go away

8 shows I watch
2) the Mentalist
3) Dog Whisperer
4) Animal cops - all sorts of places
5) CSI all sorts of places
6) 24 (on DVD after the season ends cause it is better to watch it in several days rather than over weeks and we make a family summer activity of it)
7) ok, I admit it, Idol (unless there is something better on, like NCIS)
8) Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
4 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    LOVE the Dog Whisperer! How could I forget Cesar??

    Love the 8 things you're looking forward to! LOL! Why does #8 always seem to point to retribution, like it's almost an afterthought. ;-)

  2. patti Says:

    that's cause we feel guilty for wanting retribution, but we really want it so - bam, slip it in at the end :)

  3. diamond dave Says:

    Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern? Ewwwww...
    I think I like watching Anthony Bourdain better. Or Man vs Food.

  4. patti Says:

    anthony bourdain is sometimes watched - but he has a nasty habit of trampling on the sensibilities of other cultures, and when you are a guest i have a problem with that. we have the boy watch these shows with us in order to show him other cultures - part of his schooling in the world is bigger than NC. and yea, zimmern will eat anything and often has me covering my eyes but he is entertaining and polite:) plus the hub ate a grub in china so he can't complain too much about what zimmern will eat.

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