Franken(stien's idiot)...Minnesota gets what they deserve. The rest of us do not. If this is not a sign this country has gone to hell I don't know what is. Seriously.

I'd write a big dissertation on it, but what is the point. He is in and there is nothing any of us can do about it. And just in time to put the frosting on Cap and Screw US.

Sanford... I liked him. Not any more. What is with these guys? Do they at no point think, hmmm if I do what I'm thinking here what might the result be? I have four little boys at home, what might this do to them? If I write this (awkwardly ridiculously dumb sounding) love letter email, what if it gets leaked? Does my wife deserve this humiliation? Just sayin.

Census. I'm voting answer only a head count. Most of the info they tend to ask in this thing is already available with a little research on each of us. But why make it easy on them and give the info in one easy access form? Particularly with the involvement of ACORN? Understand that mine is not the final vote in this house though, I could be over ruled.

Tea Party. July 4th, I'll be there... again. Stand and be counted if nothing else.

Cap and Screw US (aka jobs bill?, aka energy bill?)... enough said
6 Responses
  1. Joanie Says:

    Sanford fell into the midlife crisis trap that of our elected officials seem to have fallen into as well (that's what happens when you have a bunch of 'em from one generation). The thing is, he never considered the consequences because he just plain didn't think any of it through. Not the Argentine, not the other women. He let his desire think for him. BIG MISTAKE.

    How many times have they recounted the ballots in Minnesota? Seems like they had to do it a couple times to get the answer Franken wanted. Or to wear down his opponent who saw it as the waste of money it was and finally said, "enough...I concede." Yeah, that's how you bully your way into office. Keep wasting money until someone finally gives in for the sake of his/her constituents. Sigh.

  2. patti Says:

    If they don't want him then they need to fight like hell to get rid of him. We can't. And I just can. not understand why ANY state would want a big mouth moron "comedian" - is he funny? I never noticed - for a senator.
    And welcome home Joanie.

  3. pamibe Says:

    The census is mandatory, I think. Otherwise I would do the same.

    The fact that Franken litigated himself into a seat makes me seriously sick to my stomach.

  4. patti Says:

    i'm not so sure all those questions are mandetory
    don't know why they need to know what time we leave for work, how we get there, or how long it takes to get there. constitution says a head count, not a rectal exam, is required. and i'm also betting if a large enough number of folks took the head count only approach we'd make a point. the big fine is for lying on the census form, i see no reason to lie. the smaller fine ($100) is for not filling out, but i'm wondering if you filled out the head count part if any judge worth his salt would hit you with a fine for not answering if you have energy efficient windows. and frankly i'm about prepared to take it as far as needed to challenge the idea. but then again, as you know, i am not the final word on that in this house.

  5. Peter Says:

    There is a hundred dollar fine for not answering the census. So last time I was lucky (!) enough to get the long form. I answered how many adults and children lived in my house. I sent it back. They sent real people to the house later and told me I had to answer all those other questions. So I did.
    Each question got the same answer. "You have no constitutional authority to ask me that". They said I was required to answer those questions. I explained I did answer them, what part of no constitutinal authority did they not understand?

    Eventually they went away and I never heard anything else. Somehow I think I will get the short form this time. Yes, you do have to answer the questions. The answer does not have to be the answer they like. Do not lie. Just answer "no constitunional authortity" to each one. Eventually they will go away. They will not take you to court, they know the only thing that they are constitutionally allowed to ask is how many people. The rest, they ask because they think they can get away with it. When they find they can't, they slink off. At least down here where Judges are required to have read the Constitution at least once. Dunno how it works in other p[laces.

  6. patti Says:

    well there you go - i like those answers!
    answers the info they need and answers my way/your way the info they don't!

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