I'm no Suzette, so I will not write anything about this picture (if I knew how to get this photo onto my blog rather than just linking I would do that, but I'm challenged that way), but really I think the pic speaks for itself. Hey Suzette - do you see what I see? Heehee
5 Responses
  1. Suzette Says:

    Lord have mercy. this just screams to be put into a bar graph.

    I think we're seeing the worm starting to turn. If you track the MO photos, you'll see that the images are becoming less and less flattering. The prose is still purple, though - the captions refer to her stunning figure or whatever and the accompanying picture highlights her bloated middle or her big leg in a tight dress.

  2. patti Says:

    Reminds me of those cell phone commercials - al la bar graphs HA!
    She is so much bigger than everyone else in the photo, you'd think the photographer would have at least tried to keep her from looking so much bigger than the one. It almost looks like she was photoshoped in from some pic with different perspective -
    and of course the ever present giant broach

  3. pamibe Says:

    Call Civil Air Defense!! There's a giant, rotten banana invading! Run for your lives!!!

  4. patti Says:

    Nothing wrong with being a big girl - she can't help her genes. But she sure as hell can help her jeans, and it surprises me a bit with all the hype for the god likeness of the one that pictures making him look like a little bitty man next to her would be released.
    And those belts on the outside of her sweaters and jackets - ummm, no.

  5. jana Says:

    And those belts on the outside of her sweaters and jackets - ummm, no.

    I know, right? That is driving me nuts. Not only is it unflattering, it just looks stupid.

    Now, as for this picture... Michelle's never been a small gal, but she seems to be, um, shall we say, "expanding" since she took on the role of First Lady and partying on the taxpayer dime.

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