Ok, so I called my shiny new moronic Democrat Senator - Kay Hagan, man this woman is stupid, anyway I was calling to log my displeasure at the idea of socialised medicine. Opened the call with "how is the Senator planning to vote?", knowing full well how the senator Will vote. Anyway, the do-be that answered the phone for her said "the Senator is in favor of a public option." This is where I need help from you guys. You are all so much better with turns of phrase, please please send me suggestions of clever comebacks for the propagandic "public option" bull shit.

And I sure wish people would stop calling Democrats democratic. They are Democrats, she is a Democrat Senator, not a "Democratic Senator". Makes them sound more correct than anyone else. I think both parties are supposed to be democratic representatives.
5 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    I suck at phrasing, but I'll come back to see what others had to say. ;)

  2. Joanie Says:

    Democratic democrats are really tough to find these days.

    And yeah "public option" is bullshit.

  3. Hapkido Says:

    Simply retort that you "want the public to actually have an option at health care" instead of the mess government would make of it.


    Say it's funny she's concerned about options for the public since she obviously doesn't care about the opinions of the public...

  4. patti Says:

    ooo - like that second one, i'm on it!

  5. Jody Says:

    Maybe you should suggest that our "esteemed" politicians use it first, in the form we would get it, for a year. Add that hey should also try the amazing public housing they provide.

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