So certain someone who is my mentor for all things related to the adding of new skills on my blog, you know who you are :) Lookit! I added a new feature all by myself! And for anyone out there who reads my blog (all 6 of you!) if you haven't checked out Swagbucks already, give it a go for kicks. It is easy enough for me to figure out, so that means super easy, and if you use it as your search engine like you would anything else you rack up points without much trying and you can cash them in for stuff. My preference in the stuff category are the Amazon gift cards (cause I'm probably their best customer) and I-tune gift cards (cause my kids love those).

One tip for using the search engine to accumulate points, I've noticed that often it is the second or third page of a search that "wins" you a point, so if you are searching anything at all be sure to go ahead and click those two pages, just in case. When you "win" a point it automatically goes to your total, you don't have to do anything to acknowledge it. Also, the searches only go out three pages, not bazillians like google or yahoo. Unless you are just trying to see how many pages a topic can be found on, what you are looking for is usually in the first three pages anyway.

Good luck and have fun with it. It does seem to pretty much a something for nothing sort of thing.
4 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    Congratulations!! :D

    ...and no. I am Amazon's best customer. They told me so yesterday when I ordered a Cuisinart. So there. LMAO!

  2. patti Says:

    Cool pam, Thanks :)
    and no way you beat me at Amazon, just no way...

  3. Joanie Says:

    I'm not sure I get the point of this thing, but I'll check it out just for you.

  4. patti Says:

    the point is it is a search engine. over time as you use it you collect points. as you collect points you can order stuff from their store (sort of like airline points). what i am looking for myself is 35 points to get a $5 amazon card. $5 dollares gets you 5 music downloads, or 1 book from an outside seller, or just $5 off the monthly bill i rack up at amazon. that is all the point is. a little tiny bit of money for what i already do (search for stuff). i'm betting it adds up almost as fast as $$ for ads on a site, only by what i do as opposed to how many times someone else clicks on something.

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