I stated in my most recent home schooling post that I take opportunity to point out poor sentence structure when it presents itself. As I am reading a lovely article on the gloriously responsible behavior of students at the "prestigious" Cambridge University as reported in The Sun (not an endorsement of said rag), I run across this sentence:

The controversial decision was made after a 23-year-old student was last year arrested during the infamous jelly-wrestling contest for punching a spectator.

This is a perfect example of the sort of garbage regularly spewed by people whose career it is to communicate. Atrocious, never mind the behavior. The fact that this is an "English" paper is no excuse for the crimes of word order committed here. Am I to understand that the goal of said infamous jelly-wrestling contest is punching spectators?

And yes, so far I have raised three grammar nazis and am working on a third. Somebody has to do it.
2 Responses
  1. Joanie Says:

    I'm a grammar and spelling nazi myself. Which is why I fit in so well at Blogcritics.org. I was managing editor. And I was always busy.

    I often inform webmasters when I find big, glaring typos. I'm mean like that.

  2. patti Says:

    Well, i'm no spelling nazi. We can't spell worth a darn. That is what dictionaries and spell check are for.

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