And so life continues. I and D3 are back from Columbia (where is that governor anyway?) and D2 reports to be safely in London at Oxford - all be it a very very short report. These kids of mine leave the continent and we get 8 word emails that they are there, then silence.

Tomorrow is the boy's birthday and himself and I are leaving for a few days at a fancy smancy resort in another state (more on that in a min). D3 and the boy will be staying here but by no means alone. D1 is driving in tonight to be here for a couple days, the boyfriend of D3 is already here for a few days and one of D3's buddies from App State is coming in later today to stay for a few days. I leave and the party starts!

I believe the plan for the birthday is to spend the whole day baking and cooking. I've said before I hate cooking but three of my kids love it. Well the three who will be here while I am away are the three who love it. I'm pretty sure that boyfriend is here simply to take advantage of all the goodies being produced. Problem of course is that though they love to cook, their idea of cleaning behind themselves leaves some what to be desired.

We already had the boy's big birthday celebration a couple weekends ago as we knew D2, himself, and I would not be here on the actual day. But seems to me the actual day is shaping up to be a pretty rowdy good time for him anyway. In addition to all the cooking there is bound to be a good bit of music (with three university music students in the house) and plenty of phase 10, slap jack, and playing with the Wii he finally got. He had to save up for the thing himself, took him more than 2 years. He didn't think he'd be getting it until the end of the month but I went ahead and picked it up (cleaning him out in the process) then wrapped and included a card that said "to the boy""from the boy." Gave it to him when we had the earlier party.

As for the fancy pants trip himself and I are headed to, ladies it is one of those things we tend to dread. I don't really fit in with this particular crowd (this is a gathering of the ummm, batmen?, my husband is associated with in his career - and their wives). Anyway suffice it to say they are somewhat important types, at least in their own minds, and the wives of these sorts tend to the fancy clothes and fancy jewelry, and uppity attitudes. I and my eau de barn generally feel like country come to city. I pretty much have to keep my mouth shut at these sorts of things cause himself tends to kick me in the shins if I say anything. I embarrass him with my "tell it like it is", these types go for the "diplomatic" approach - which I tend to view as phoney or even out and out lying. So here I am trying to figure out what to wear.... Know what I mean?
9 Responses
  1. Suzette Says:

    Wear only black or only white.
    Accessorize big but spare - only one item at a time.
    Drop names "As I said to Ivana last week ..." and let them assume you mean the celebrities when in fact you meant the barn cats.
    Start conversations about "the new media" and your triumphant entry into it.

  2. patti Says:

    got it. taking notes then running up to load the suitcase :) thanks for the tips.

  3. pamibe Says:

    'the batmen'

    Suzette knows; I'd listen to her counsel. Maybe look up some buzzwords, throw those around as well.

    Mashable is good for that.

    Ugh. I cringe just thinking about those snotty people.

    Have fun!!! :-D

  4. patti Says:

    thought i'd just check crabby old fart's blog for some good talking points :)
    in all fairness, there are a few ladies in the bunch that i know to be fairly down to earth - i'll try to stick close to them.

  5. Peter Says:

    Oh heck, wear your horsecrap covered boots and your most battered hat. Be sure to say "gooollleee" a lot like Gomer Pyle. Soon only your real friends will be close to you and you can relax.

  6. patti Says:

    heehee, OK!

  7. Mrs. Who Says:

    I hope it went had some good advice here. Bless your heart. My big mouth would have us 'shunned'...but it may be worth it sometimes!

  8. Joanie Says:

    WHAT? Your family plays Phase 10? I totally *heart* you even more.

  9. patti Says:

    mostly my kids play phase 10, though sometimes i join in. i don't like taking turns so i totally fail in the "plays well with others" department

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