I'm in the midst of a project I've needed to do for years. It is recommended that we all keep photos of pretty much all our "stuff" for insurance purposes. I'm finally doing it - going through the house room by room trying to document at least to some extent. This is giving me tons of pics that give me ideas for short blog posts - well, short on words, long on pictures. Today I want to share the view into my front yard from the door. Maybe in a few months it will snow and I can post a snowy version. But I'm in no hurry for that one!

You can't even tell that I am behind mowing by about two weeks.

Guardians of the outside of the door.

And the guardians of the inside of the door.
4 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    Your yard is beautiful... what I can see of it. ;)

  2. p Says:

    Well the picture certainly looks nice - in reality the grass is way over due for a mow, the weeds take over my beds, the monkey grass border that should be 6-8 inches wide is up to 3 feet wide in places, and most of my flowers have given up the ghost. But those pictures sure do hide the reality nicely, don't they :)

  3. Mrs. Who Says:

    Those pictures are great...and I'll post pictures of mine and then you won't complain about yours, lol!

  4. Mrs. Who Says:

    PS I love the gnomes! If I ever clear out my front flower bed, it'll have a gnome.

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