Some parents who home school set up a designated school room. We do not. Home schooling is part of our life style and it is pretty much on going. Not the same hours five days a week, pretty much round the clock - across the calendar. Therefore home school takes place all over the house, but mostly in the "breakfast room"/family room area. Not a totally open space, but almost so. The two areas have a wall between but that wall is for the most part two super large doorway type openings.

Here are a few pictures of "home school central", the nerve center of the operation.
The open notebook you can see on the table is "THE BOOK", this is where I record the schedule for life in general - not just school - without this book we'd be sunk. Now, since both D2 and D3 are away in school, there is not nearly as much recorded here as in years past. But it is still central planning. The two stacks of books are some of what we use - only a small representation of what he uses on a daily basis and not a drop in the bucket of the over all library we draw from here in the home. When I took this picture he had his vocab, history, and literature books over with him at the fireplace (reading, not burning - heehee)

Just through the door way into the family room is the computer desk. This is where I spend a great deal of my day, often with a Fiona curled under my chair. Notice the 2 liter Diet Dr Pepper to the left of the computer - my drug of choice.

And a needle felted possum hanging from the cork board - everyone needs a possum hanging nearby...

This shot is taken standing in front of the fireplace. It shows how close everything is. We as a family pretty much live in this area. It is cozy, comfy, home.

Here are a few more shelves of our home school library. If you are interested in what books we are using, you can probably see from embiggening. These are some of the books on the shelves on the wall directly opposite the computer. Of course you can find many many more books throughout the house - but these are the ones we use often enough to need on hand and close by. You might notice both here, and on the computer desk, that many of our books are two rows deep. We love books. Can you tell?

Hope I'm not boring the snot out of you, but a few have expressed interest.
4 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    LOVE your home! Cozy, comfy, well appointed and plenty of good books. Looks like heaven!

    The possum has delighted and entranced. I adore him!

  2. patti Says:

    Why thank you. Well appointed with boys, dogs, books, dog hair (not shown:)...

  3. diamond dave Says:

    That's it. Packing my bags and camping out on your cozy loveseat. With a good book, of course...
    Don't worry, I'll be sure to love up on the dogs.

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