From My Way News...

Larry Margasak writing for AP tells us that the TSA has demanded two travel bloggers tell where they got their information on new travel restrictions. You know, the whole extra pat downs, NO GETTING OUT OF YOUR SEAT - HANDS IN YOUR LAP for the last hour of a trip thing! Apparently the TSA didn't want us to know about those things.

I DO have a problem with that - several actually. You see, I HATE flying. Over the years I have developed my own mechanisms for handling my fear. One of those is doing sudoku puzzles one after the other during take offs and landings. Helps me ignore odd, and to me frightening, noises that the airplane makes. Take away my sudoku and I want to know about it before hand. I am sure others have their crutches as well - books, personal DVD players and the like. On what planet is it cool not to let us know ahead of time that these will be the rules? Did the TSA actually expect flight attendants to make this announcement IN FLIGHT then deal with the uprising on their own? If this was the TSA's plan then they are more incompetent than I thought. We were told in advance of the new liquid restrictions, we were told in advance to be ready to remove our shoes - oh wait, that was when Bush was president. Now that Bambam is the pres they want to be all secrative about this stuff?

Of course now the TSA is withdrawing their subpoenas, after they took some blogger "reporter type"'s computer. Now, I'm thinking, after the very first flight landed with the new rules did the TSA not think the cat would be out of the bag? Or were they planning to inform us as we sat like five year olds in Sunday School with our hands quietly in our laps that we were under a gag order not to tell? Were they going to ask us to pinky swear to keep the secret?

ergg-- Big Brother is on a major head trip.
5 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    My crutch is my rosary - just let them try to take that out of my hands, those bastards.

    I thought the Canadian and [can't remember the other country] airlines posted the info on their sites immediately? Where else would the bloggers get the information?

    They couldn't touch a memeber of the press, but they can bloggers...

  2. Don Says:

    From what I read, the blogger voluntarily turned over his computer after "discussions" with gubmint types. Personally, even if some LE type showed up at my door with a warrant I'd smash my computer in a million pieces before I'd turn it over to them. This was an attempt to quash free speech and it disgusts me.

    The TSA is the most useless gubmint agency in existence, and that's really saying something.

  3. Don Says:

    They've also ruined my enjoyment of flying, something I've loved ever since I understood what an airplane was. There is not enough scorn that I can heap upon them for that.

  4. p Says:

    It is the freedom of speech aspect of this story that troubles me the very most. But I see this as a growing problem on many levels with this bunch running things right now...

  5. p Says:

    And I'm sure they intimidated that blogger into turning over his computer - they'd have to pry it out of my cold dead hands, or come at me with a rock solid search warrant to get mine. Probably scared him shitless with some baseless threats, jack booted thugs.

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