In a nutshell, in his SOTU, Barry told us to STFU.

My response, NO!
2 Responses
  1. Don Says:

    My response to Barry: Frak off, and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!

    It doesn't roll off the tongue very well.

    I don't spend a lot of time thinking about things to call Barry because, frankly, he's not worth the effort. Oh, and I've got big, important things to be doing, like commenting on blog posts.

    Ummm...what was I saying? I think it's bed time...

    Enjoy the snow!

  2. Froth Says:

    Oh, surely he didn't. Surely not.

    Don't call me Shirley. Thank you. I'll be here all day.

    I was working that night and missed the whole show. How unfortunate for me.

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