Took miss Rosalie to the vet today for her post surgery recheck. Left foot (operated on foot) seemed to be 100% sound. Hooray for that - still slow rehab to work through but sound on that foot is great. But... she was a little off on the right. Ergg. My stomach sank big time.

There are several reasonable explanations for her being off a bit on that side. The most likely being that because she is in her stall 24/7 right now (and will continue to be until the ground thaws out a bit - and that doesn't look to be any time soon)she is lying down in her stall at night and however she is doing that is putting pressure - probably from the shoe on her left foot - on her right fetlock (horse ankle) and she has developed a sore there. Right after Christmas she started swelling on that right front due to the sore so we put her on an antibiotic and started wrapping a padding around that leg at night. It is much better than it was, but is still there and she is still stuck in the stall so padding or not I know she's putting pressure on it. Makes sense that would make her sore right?

I hope that is it, but I will admit to a serious sinking feeling. I was hoping for 100% - poor vet was too. First thing we need is enough time over 32 degrees for the ground to thaw so that I can begin walking her daily and so that she can begin to be turned out again. Supposed to snow again tomorrow...

OK, horse Mom vent over. One day I really really hope to be able to post a video here of my daughter riding Rose.
8 Responses
  1. Joanie Says:

    I'm saying a prayer for you and Rosalie.

  2. p Says:

    Thanks Joanie, this is breaking my heart.

  3. Teresa Says:

    Oh man... more prayers. Poor Rosalie she just can't catch a break.

  4. Don Says:

    Do you know someone nearby with an indoor riding area? My brother-in-law keeps his horses at a place that has one. You could at least get her moving around more then, even if it's just in circles :-).

    In either case, we'll be praying for you both.

  5. p Says:

    Yeah, DW it would help, and there is one nearby but the guy who owns it wouldn't let me just use it and it would mean paying someone to trailer me over. I don't pull trailers, don't own a trailer, and my minivan is not set up to tow. I'm spending so much on the vet right now the additional trailering costs would be impossible. I've just got to be patient. Thing is, this horse is my therapy. She and being outdoors working a few times a week are what keep me sane - frigid temps or not.
    And prayers are appreciated. Thanks.

  6. pamibe Says:

    Hope she's okay, Patti... it's been such a long road for both of you... :(

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Hope she'll be all better soon!

    I can not believe ya'll are getting so much snow!

  8. p Says:

    Neither can we, there is still some snow from the week before Christmas!

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