
Tomorrow we gather our troops and begin planning strategy to kick these wicked corrupt ass holes OUT!

(distress flag filched from Pam who swiped it from Pereiraville who swiped it from Venomous Kate - sorely temped to go flip the flag in front of my house!)
4 Responses
  1. Don Says:

    I'm really starting to wonder if they're even going to "allow" us to vote this fall...

    After all, they know what's good for us.


  2. diamond dave Says:

    Let's not give up yet. I'm waiting for the slew of legal challenges to hopefully at least delay the implementation of Obamacare long enough to at least get a new Congress in there that may be able to seriously water down, if not repeal, the bill.

  3. patti Says:

    Oh yes! Not giving up - this is just a battle in the war, but it will be much more difficult from here. My favorite legal beagle seems to be somewhat trepidatious about the chances of legal challenges. But maybe they will at least slow it down for a bit.


  4. pamibe Says:

    Nope, never give up! We will win this war.

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