Snow sucks.

Wish I could enjoy this freaking blizzard. This is by far the most snow we've had in 14 years and if it were Monday I'd be loving it. But my two eldest were supposed to come home tonight and it just ain't happening. Maybe tomorrow, but honestly tomorrow isn't looking so good either.

Right now every road (no kidding) and every Interstate (26 &40) is a parking lot.
6 Responses
  1. Laura Says:

    Ooo you should take pictures of the snow. We just got lots of rain from the same storm.

  2. pamibe Says:

    Hubby said the newscasters are blaming global warming on the amount of snow and ferocity of the storm. :(

    Y'all stay warm!

  3. diamond dave Says:

    Sorry to hear your kids are stranded, but I bet it makes for a pretty view outside your kitchen window.

  4. p Says:

    indeed it does - just took a four mile hike to check the secondary roads between home and the main roads which have been scraped. we think maybe they'll make it home late this afternoon. at least they are driving this way now.

  5. Teresa Says:

    Well at least they're driving and not trying to fly in. If the flight got canceled the chances of them making it by Christmas would be about nil with the overbooking the airlines do now. However, driving in that glop with all the idiots on the road is not comforting either.

    I hope they make it home soon. Then you can watch "Planes Trains and Automobiles". LOL.

    My kids are flying in Wednesday. As long as the weather is nice enough in both Chicago and Rhode Island, it might work. Luckily they're flying out of Midway rather than O'Hare and going to Providence rather than Logan, so they might get here - you never know. I won't count on it until they get off the plane. Heh.

  6. p Says:

    ugg Teresa! Hope they do get there. We want our babies home more than anything else don't we?

    my drive is shoveled so if they make it to the top of the drive, mine are home free - chuckle.

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