Did I get your attention? Nothing like a little potty talk right?

This vid is done by some musician friends of mine - well, even more so friends of my D3 - but mine too. They (Mark - the singer songwriter guitar player in the vid and Julee the pregnant young woman seen dancing behind him in a light blue blouse) were married a couple years ago and in addition to the coming young prince have their first dog together. They have put together a CD of songs Mark has written after watching their dog (Jesse) for a while. The CD will be released in August but they sent me a link to the vid and I thought all you dog lover blog buddies might get a giggle out of it so have a listen and enjoy.

4 Responses
  1. Teresa Says:

    OMG! ROFLMAO - I love it!

  2. patti Says:

    Mark and Julee are great people, a lot of fun, and amazingly talented. Julee sings like an angel and their duets are not to be missed. Usually they do old time traditional American, Irish, and really old gospel type music. Love them both, they are supporters and encouragers for my daughter and that can't be beat.

  3. pamibe Says:

    That is SO cute! Today's earworm!! 'You like yours and I like mine; we all like peepee time'! LOL!

  4. Laura Says:

    Ha! That is an adorable little doggie.

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