Cake baked and decorated by D1

In front of the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Trevi fountain, Rome

"whatcha doin?"

Hats in London


1st year of basketball

Beef eaters

Palace gardens, Copenhagen

Take a dive?

Field day

Chess with Grandpa

Picking up his first puppy

School fun (pre homeschool days)

with his "cousin" - haha

Blue eyed boy

Wet kisses

Pan flutes in Costa Rica

Coconuts in Thailand

Thai cooking lesson (red curry paste)

The last of my chicklets is now a teen.
We tend to make birthdays a drawn out affair. He has only had a couple actual birthday parties. Because his birthday falls in the summer his friends have always been scattered and difficult to find come birthday time. We are far more likely to choose an activity and a couple of his best friends to do it with - then add a special gift and a meal of his choice and a bit of catering to by his sisters et voila, Happy Birthday to you boy! For his sixth birthday we were in Ireland come his birthday so we celebrated by having dinner at Bunratty Castle where he was serenaded by the servers who were dressed in med-evil attire.
This year we began back before the Caribbean trip by giving him the DSixl he wanted so that he'd have it for the trip. Tuesday we picked up his two best friends (brothers, the oldest of which has been a steady part of the boy's life since he was two weeks old) and we began 2 days of fun and frolick. We started with a trip to a large field, two corgis, and a frisbee. All ran and played until the corgis collapsed. Then, after depositing the dogs at home, we proceeded to the local "Fun Depot" where the boys played laser tag, drove go carts, climbed a wall, and played video games. From there it was some much needed lunch and then a trip to the theater to watch Toy Story 3 (in 2D not 3). Dinner was picked up on the way home - pizza of course - and then the three of them settled in for hours of Wii fun in our basement wreck room. At nightfall the boys gathered in the drive for pyrotechnics. Nothing big, but none the less fun for them. Then the hub and I retired for the night and the boys watched a movie (Princess Bride- Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die) and played more Wii. Somewhere along the way they fell asleep and stayed that way until nearly noon. Finally they grabbed something to eat - not really breakfast, not really lunch, but enough to sustain for a trip to the pool. The sky was clear and the temp in the low 90s so the weather was perfect. They only lasted a couple hours though, I think they were finally truely tired. Just as well as mid-day the friends were picked up by their mother and they left for a trip straight from here.
Today is the boy's actual birthday. One sister is returning home today and this evening we'll go to the restaurant of his choice and he'll order whatever he wants. Tomorrow the second of his sisters will return and probably Saturday he and she will bake up some sort of cake together.
And there you have it - one long drawn-out birthday.
Happy birthday boy!
In front of the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Trevi fountain, Rome
"whatcha doin?"
Hats in London
1st year of basketball
Beef eaters
Palace gardens, Copenhagen
Take a dive?
Field day
Chess with Grandpa
Picking up his first puppy
School fun (pre homeschool days)
with his "cousin" - haha
Blue eyed boy

Wet kisses
Pan flutes in Costa Rica
Coconuts in Thailand
Thai cooking lesson (red curry paste)
The last of my chicklets is now a teen.
We tend to make birthdays a drawn out affair. He has only had a couple actual birthday parties. Because his birthday falls in the summer his friends have always been scattered and difficult to find come birthday time. We are far more likely to choose an activity and a couple of his best friends to do it with - then add a special gift and a meal of his choice and a bit of catering to by his sisters et voila, Happy Birthday to you boy! For his sixth birthday we were in Ireland come his birthday so we celebrated by having dinner at Bunratty Castle where he was serenaded by the servers who were dressed in med-evil attire.
This year we began back before the Caribbean trip by giving him the DSixl he wanted so that he'd have it for the trip. Tuesday we picked up his two best friends (brothers, the oldest of which has been a steady part of the boy's life since he was two weeks old) and we began 2 days of fun and frolick. We started with a trip to a large field, two corgis, and a frisbee. All ran and played until the corgis collapsed. Then, after depositing the dogs at home, we proceeded to the local "Fun Depot" where the boys played laser tag, drove go carts, climbed a wall, and played video games. From there it was some much needed lunch and then a trip to the theater to watch Toy Story 3 (in 2D not 3). Dinner was picked up on the way home - pizza of course - and then the three of them settled in for hours of Wii fun in our basement wreck room. At nightfall the boys gathered in the drive for pyrotechnics. Nothing big, but none the less fun for them. Then the hub and I retired for the night and the boys watched a movie (Princess Bride- Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die) and played more Wii. Somewhere along the way they fell asleep and stayed that way until nearly noon. Finally they grabbed something to eat - not really breakfast, not really lunch, but enough to sustain for a trip to the pool. The sky was clear and the temp in the low 90s so the weather was perfect. They only lasted a couple hours though, I think they were finally truely tired. Just as well as mid-day the friends were picked up by their mother and they left for a trip straight from here.
Today is the boy's actual birthday. One sister is returning home today and this evening we'll go to the restaurant of his choice and he'll order whatever he wants. Tomorrow the second of his sisters will return and probably Saturday he and she will bake up some sort of cake together.
And there you have it - one long drawn-out birthday.
Happy birthday boy!
Happy Birthday to the boy!
Long drawn out birthdays, usually in far away places... he is one lucky kid! :)
the far away places are just scattered pictures - the only far away birthday was the one in Ireland - and we left Ireland the next day. generally we are home for his birthday
Happy Birthday! Fine looking dude you got yourself there.
Please do not tell my grown kids about your kidlets' birthdays. They will want to be adopted by y'all.
Happy birthday and many blessings!
Happy birthday to him! And damn, that kid's been more places in his relatively short life than I have my entire longish life...lucky him!