So yesterday the O made his first speech to the UN. I don't know how much the rest of you heard or read, but it steamed me (not that it was anything new - same speech he's been giving all over the world anyway).
Then Mymood I'minajihad spoke to the same body later in the day - some time after mo'mar's hour and a half rant and looney toon diatribe.

Here is my puzzlement - the US delegation walked out on old I'maDinnerJacket but not on the O? Was there a difference between the two speeches? Because, for the life of me, I can't find any.

Can any of you help me with this? Obviously I am just too stupid to find the difference even though I am sure it is just glaring.
2 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    There was no difference. I mean, look at his fans... Castro, Ghadaffi, Chavez... the man was in his element yesterday.

  2. Joanie Says:

    The difference was: it was imamo up there and he's AWESOME(!), you know? Everyone at the UN drank is kool-aid

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