
Question - If this is law in Texas, why am I not hearing about kids being sent to detention all over the state?  And - since when did any state's laws require the sending of children to detention as a state mandated penalty?

Nother question - Is this school's principal a compete idiot? And since when do Texans put up with this sort of idiocy?
6 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    Is there a video in this post? If so, I can't see it...

  2. pamibe Says:

    After reloading the page 3 times I can see the vid but it disappears if I try to watch it... link?

  3. pamibe Says:

    A WEEK detention for a Jolly Rancher? What are they thinking??

  4. wRitErsbLock Says:

    Some schools allow parents to have lunch with their kids. I'd bring in a big ass thing of cotton candy, a slurpee, and ice cream sandwiches were I in that school!

  5. Joanie Says:

    So happy to see our government at work...when these are the same people who consider ketchup a vegetable serving.

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