
Not my corgi, but man this is cute.  I'd love to take Gus and Fi to a lake to play.  I KNOW Gus would jump in after a tennis ball.  For Fiona to be willing I'd have to throw a frisbee.
3 Responses
  1. pam Says:

    LOL! I loved it when the corgi hesitated, hesitated, barked, then threw himself off... but it was a short drop into the water... plunk!

    Laughed so hard I nearly cried! The slo-mo is great, too. :-)

  2. patti Says:

    I laughed because I've seen that exact behavior in my own corgi's. Though I've never taken them to a lake I did once take them to a friend's home. They had a small pond and a tennis ball...

  3. Mrs. Who Says:

    I saw that vid recently and thought I should send it to you...glad you found it. It is so cute! My husband and I laughed and laughed at it.

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