
Now seriously, I can kind of understand losing your place in the song - but she is a professional right?  Been singing in public since she was knee high to a grass hopper? So at the end of the day there is very little excuse - I've watched 8 year olds do a better job with it.  And all of you future singers of the National Anthem?  It is not your song, it is our song, so please... for the love of God and Country.... sing it as written.  Stop playing with the words, and go easy on the improv.

Thank you.

(There is a better vid of Whitney's performance on YouTube - here , but it is not embed enabled)
2 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    Whitney just nails it, every time. What a voice.

    Christina is used to lip synching and studio work where they can dub her when she flubs. She probably did the best she could. ;)

  2. diamond dave Says:

    Whitney Houston's performance is, and always will be, the gold standard for which any singing of the national anthem at a major event should strive for.

    But personally, I've always been a fan of Jimi Hendrix's version... ;)

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