You know what happens when a 40 something woman goes tearing around the house so the corgis can chase her with gleeful abandon? The woman wipes out on the hardwood while running around a turn, landing on her ass, well hip - ouch. Game over

Innocent looking aren't they?
3 Responses
  1. Don Says: you think we should hide?

    Nah...we're too cute to get in trouble.


  2. pamibe Says:

    Ouch! Same thing that happens to a 50 something year old woman when she tears around the house playing with a Collie and Dachshund.

    The last time I fell was one of those like you just had - landed hard on my hip. Arthur never took his eyes from his computer monitor!
    Could have killed him. LOL!

    The corgis look *so* innocent... ;)

  3. diamond dave Says:

    I see two warm bellies to rub and scratch...
    Bet they make good footwarmers on cold days.

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