I hate computer updates. I REALLY hate Explorer updates. They always screw things up.
That is all.
3 Responses
  1. That's why I disabled automatic updates. All I get now is an icon that updates are available. That way it doesn't do it while I'm in the middle of something and then flash that damn "your computer must be rebooted" screen every five minutes. Or worse yet, prevent you from doing anything else until you reboot your computer. Microsoft should've put a little more thought into this feature, that one can't always be bothered to reboot while in the middle of a major project.

  2. patti Says:

    Yeah, usually the little stuff automatically uploads in the middle of the night, no biggy. What I really hate is when they totally revamp - pester the hell out of you to do the update - you put it off cause you know it is going to cause issues - finally give in cause you are afraid of virus issues if you don't - then, just like you knew it would, it screws up everything you use all the time... argggg...

  3. D1 Says:

    it screws everything up because your computer is too old to handle the new software :). Sorry... but that's just kind of how it goes. Macs only update when you shut down or close the program, and never make you reboot for it. :) Ok, that's all I'll bug you about that.

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