That would be my monthly junk mail from AARP. Not that I would ever join this liberal shill group but every now and then I do give them a look see, just to be fair and to be sure I have my facts straight. So here is my research for today.

Observations - at :21 the AARP rep says this is a "listening" meeting, yet she does not want to hear anyone there.

at :48 she actually scolds the room full of AARP members (pretty much all her elders I might add, my mama would bitch slap me for that sort of dishonoring of my elders) - look at these folks, these are my neighbors - my friends - the folks with whom I shop for groceries, and obviously AARP members. At 2:02 the rep apologises to the "members" for the disruptions and walks out?!

At 1:23 the rep is advocating for reform, yet at 1:40 the rep says AARP has not endorsed reform?! Again at 3:30 the rep states the AARP does not endorse reform and yet
What the hell is this if not endorsement? And the paid for by AARP public service announcement I just heard on the radio endorsing the reform bill? Not an endorsement?

Ezekiel Emanual (Rahm's brother), health policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research,
thinks that doctors take their Hippocratic Oath too seriously. He states that medical care should be reserved for those not disabled because the disabled cannot be participating citizens - at least by his yardstick - that older citizens should not take up valuable resources. After all, those elderly would have had access to the full range of services when they were young and therefore we should all be ok with those folks moving over for the young.

Somebody want to explain for me why in hell AARP is advocating for this reform? It simply does not make sense.

And nope, still will be a very frigid day in Hades for sure before I will give this bunch a dime of my money!
4 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    AARP is a powerful leftist lobby in DC. I'll never forget receiving their propaganda in favor of john kerry and gun control. [shudder]

  2. Mrs. Who Says:

    I think AARP is surprised that the 'old folks' aren't just falling in line. I think the Dems are surprised that Americans aren't just falling into line. We'll put up with a lot...just not a line of obvious b.s.

  3. patti Says:

    Certainly nothing new here, the hypocracy is at the very least entertaining to point out.

  4. Joanie Says:

    "Listening" my ass.

    If they actually listened, they might have to admit they're wrong.

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