"Government should not intrude on private family matters," Obama said in a statement - USA today

What? Like what to feed our kids?  Or how much trans-fat or salt we eat?  Or whether or not we choose to buy health insurance?  Or whether or not we choose to smoke in our own cars or homes (I don't smoke, I've never smoked, I've never even tried a cigarette - But I support the right of those who wish to smoke to be able to do it in their own homes, cars, or even open air areas such as IDK.... city parks?)  Family matter such as end of life planning?  How about what sort of light bulbs families want to screw into their sockets?

Oh yeah, I forgot - Government should intrude on ALL family matters except in the instance of abortions.... then government should simply pave the way.  You know, shovel ready projects.  

2 Responses
  1. Don Says:

    I pretty much had the same reaction when I read that this morning. The guys got stones, I'll give him that...


  2. pamibe Says:

    He may have said it, but he doesn't believe it.

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