From AP
Their Achilles tendon is that they did not read their own damn bill so "kids with pre-existing conditions are now covered" is in fact a lie - and Bambi et al were in such a damn rush they didn't pay attention to their own bill:

Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing medical problem, said Karen Lightfoot, spokeswoman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the main congressional panels that wrote the bill Obama signed into law Tuesday.

Only the first of many lies we will find out about as the next few months go by. Dems will be trying to "sell America" on their piece of crap - using lies. Plain, easily proven lies.

I listened to the radio this morning as the Pay Czar, Kenneth Feinberg, tried to tell me that the American people are still outraged by salaries paid to financial institutions bailed out nearly two years ago - even though it was the government who bailed them out (the people whom we are actually outraged at), even though the salaries and bonuses were contractual and had to be paid out by law - From TWO years ago he says we are outraged. So far some laws are still in effect, including contract law. Yeah we are outraged - sir - but we are outraged at our government taking our money to bail out these businesses, and we have not forgotten who it is we are outraged at - not for one damn minute have we forgotten. It isn't business, sir, business that provides jobs - no sir, it is government. And yet I keep hearing Democrat and liberal (progressive - whatever - semantics) talking heads tell me that Americans have too short a memory to be outraged because they ignored our voices over their health care bill? Excuse me? We were furious two years ago, we were outraged one year ago, and we will still be boiling come November - Make no mistake, let me make myself clear

We Will Not Forget!

From Breitbart:

And we see what you are doing, we are not blind, we are not stupid - and like elephants we have long memories!
3 Responses
  1. diamond dave Says:

    Let's just make sure we do more than put the put the bums out of office come November - we replace them with people that'll actually do some good. The war is far from over or lost, but the Repubs still need some stable quality leadership if they're going to regain the confidence of the American people.

  2. patti Says:

    without a doubt ;)
    You will find I'm not much of a fan of linguine spined GOP members

  3. pamibe Says:

    We need people who are not afraid to protect the constitution instead of going all 'bi-partison' in some misguided philanthropic move to make the dems love them.

    Forget about 'let's all get along'. How about 'I'm gonna blow your commie butt outta here!'

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