Gentle readers,

I'm not one to try to sell things on my site - but Christmas is in full swing and I thought I'd risk throwing one plug out there.

If you are, like me, often shopping for people who don't really need much "stuff" and want to get them something with meaning, I'd like to suggest buying a nice little instrumental CD made by a fine young lady with an eye on a career in music. Yup, plugging my daughter's CD just this once. You could support her a little and give the gift of music with a story behind it. And with a name like "The Pleasures of Hope" - CD was made and named before hope was given such a bad name - how can you miss? Unless of course everyone you know is into heavy metal or rap. I'd be happy to email anyone further info on the story of Alex and Irish music if you are interested in the background as well, but not ready to really post it on line. Not sure she would appreciate me giving her full story to the world in general.

I would include some clips here for you to hear, but I have no idea how to do that. I know many of you have already followed my link and heard a little so you know how well she plays. She is still in the process of trying to pay off the money it took to put the CD together (we sort of refer to the boxes of discs stacked in the basement as insulation right now). Being in school she doesn't have much time right now to do the little concerts that help sell it.

If you are interested in picking up one, or two, or three :) it can be purchased on line here (you can listen to clips here as well, there is fiddle, harp, and concertina - fast and slow) - or you can let me know and buy it from me directly for a few dollars less. I'll send them off to you for $15, shipping included - for one, a little less for multiples.

OK, that's all - will not hear from me on this one again.

Merry Christmas madness
8 Responses
  1. pamibe Says:

    YAY! I want one!! It's my gift to myself. :-D

  2. p Says:

    thanks pam, i'm on it.

  3. Teresa Says:

    That is sooo cool! What a talented daughter you have. I want one for me and one for my sister. :-)

  4. p Says:

    email me teresa, i'll get it out - you have the email address :)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I already have it and it's really awesome :)

  6. Don Says:

    I neglected to pick up one of these earlier, so thank you for the reminder! My in-laws are HUGE fans of all things Irish, so this will be much appreciated. I'll shoot you an email asap.

  7. p Says:

    Thanks DW, Make sure you note the zip code correction before sending the check - I can manage letters pretty well, numbers I apparently suck at...

  8. Joanie Says:

    I'm getting one for Buster. He's going to love it. Bonus is that I get to listen too!

    And I'll get one for LD, too.

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