Just picked up a Wii fit for myself with birthday money (birthday was in Aug).

My son will not let me play, he's having too much fun with it. Something about dressing like a chicken and flapping your arms, or was it dressing like a penguin and eating fish...

It told me I'm fat - fact - that is all, stab. I don't make a good Laura, do I.

Update - is it bad when your Wii me is always hanging her head in shame after an activity?
3 Responses
  1. Laura Says:

    You just need a little more rage is all. Rage burns calories by the way!

  2. p Says:

    I'll work on that rage thing :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I dunno. Is the Wii-me (you) hanging her head in shame, or just contemplating on how to most effectively STAB the Wii to make it stop?

    Yeah, I think rage is the ticket, too.


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